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I want to thank you for being completely upfront with me about the purchase of the 1957 Harley Davidson Hummer. I found that doing business with you was a pleasure, from the beginning to the end. The fact that we kept in touch with one another until I had the bike in my hands proved to me that you are an excellent businessman.
Thanks again,

Tony Bartolo
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


The motorcycle that I purchased from Tom was exactly as described.  He is very knowledgeable and communicated better than I expected from the time that I initially contacted him until I received my bike.  The fact that he also handled all of my delivery arrangements made this transaction extremely smooth.  I highly recommend Tom!

Edmond Moses
Jackson, Tennessee


It is reassuring to work with an individual with honesty and integrity. Good quality, fair price, and shipping date was on time. I look forward to doing business with you again. Thanks

Wm Holder
Nashville, Tennessee 


I was very pleased with the transaction of my bike.  It was exactly as described and Tom was very accommodating to me when I scheduled the pick up.  I would definitely do business with him again and highly recommend Tom to anyone needing a bike.

Mike Doyle
Sacramento, California 


The service that I received from Tom was second to none.  He answered all of my questions, which were many.  Everything about the bike was exactly as he said it would be.  The transaction of business was done the way business should be.  I will continue to do business with him.  Thanks!

Ricky Colburn
Valdosta, Georgia 


Tom is very genuine and knowledgeable.  I looked at several bikes before I found him  I knew immediately that he was the kind of person that I was going to do business with.  My bike was actually in better condition than he described it.  I am totally satisfied. 

Dave Erdle
Tampa, Florida 


The 1952 Harley 125 that I purchased from Tom was exactly as described.  It is truly a museum piece.  I found that dealing with him was easy.  He is very courteous, professional and knowledgeable.  I highly recommend him. 

Don Corson
Allenwood, New Jersey 


Thank you so much for the wonderful, perfect condition Honda Z50.  We are glad that there is someone like you who loves to restore old bikes.  The bike is PERFECT!!!!  Just as described in your ad, but looked better in person!!  I am glad we found this bike and glad to meet you too!!  Keep up the good work.  Thanks Again. 

Jason & Amy Thomas
Irvine, Kentucky


I cannot say enough good things about my experience with Tom.  From my initial contact until pickup of the motorcycle, it was first class.  He was more than helpful and all details were handled with a smile and professionalism.  It is rare in today’s environment that you get this kind of service and I intend to purchase from him again.  Thanks! 

Dr. Mike Lamb
Kingsport, Tennessee  


It was a pleasure doing business with you.  Every part of the transaction went smoothly.  Thanks for your help in shipping the bike.  It arrived in great condition. 

Frank Johnson
Tucson, Arizona


I received the bike this morning about 10 AM CST.  It looks great.  I want to thank you for a smooth and enjoyful transaction.  Was a pleasure doing business.  Thanks Again! 

Matt Shipp
Toulon, Illinois